
LTE: Leaders should know the difference between legal, illegal

In response to the May 5 editorial regarding SB 833 and driver cards, why does our Legislature continue to pass laws that reward bad behavior by providing driver cards to people who are in our state illegally?

I wonder if they know the difference between legal and illegal.

Does the driver card law provide a pathway to citizenship or voting rights? What is the point of passing laws at all if people don’t obey them?

In some cases, there are virtually no consequences for failure to obey the laws.

I don’t recall any of my state representatives contacting me and asking my opinion about this issue.

The editorial states that if the citizens of this state are concerned about the law, “we should insist that Oregon closely track its implementation, measuring its impact on public safety. If the law is ineffective, or even counter-productive, a future Legislature or the electorate can repeal it.” Isn’t it part of our representatives’ responsibility to monitor the laws they pass?

If you don’t like this bill, my suggestion is to sign the referendum petition sponsored by Oregonians for Immigration Reform to put this bill up to the voters.

Christine Hill