
Restore sanity

Mail Tribune

To drive down the wages of hardworking Oregonians, the Democratic controlled Legislature passed Senate Bill 833 in October of 2013 to issue driver cards to illegal aliens. Governor Kitzhaber gleefully signed the bill and it was scheduled to take effect in 2014.

But Oregonians For Immigration Reform (OFIR) launched a campaign to save the Oregon worker. They sponsored a ballot initiative, Ballot Measure 88. It will appear on the ballot in November. A NO vote on the measure strikes down this odious law. Implementation has been put on hold until a decision has been rendered by the voters.

To find out more about the original legislation or the ballot measure, access the OFIR website at: This is an opportunity for rank-and-file citizen to stand up for the Oregon worker and restore sanity to both the workplace and the streets and highways of Oregon.