
Vote no on driver cards

The Bulletin

The In My View opinion Sept. 18 by Marilyn Burwell on Measure 88 glosses over some realities regarding auto insurance and driver’s licenses and the hoped-for driver cards. Insurance is not required to obtain a driver’s license, nor would it be for the hoped-for driver cards. Nothing compels a driver wanting a license or card to obtain any insurance, period. But it would be nice if it were a compulsory requirement.

Vehicles are required to be insured, not the driver. Consider all of the uninsured vehicles on the road, the fact that they are there does not increase nor decrease safety on the road. Many vehicles cross state lines both ways; who keeps track? Many carry contraband. Simply put, insurance does not make you safe. Consider how it is practiced that drivers borrow, perhaps steal cars, or how owners lend their cars out to friends and relatives. Most cars are insured, of course, already.

Consider how an individual can acquire a fleet of clunkers and insure them all at a discounted bulk rate with the express purpose of loaning them out for free or a fee. You might call this person an enabler. A driver card will not make anyone safer. Measure 88, it’s not about safety. You know what it’s about; vote no on 88.