
Vote no on Measure 88

East Oregonian

Here are the reasons I’m voting no on Measure 88. We have established laws and procedures for procuring a drivers license. Everyone should utilize the in-place laws. We should not need to cater to illegals anymore than we already do.

Obtaining a “drivers card” will also allow them to board commercial aircraft and effectively disappear in the United States.

We the taxpayers will incur the debt to start up this program. It will not make our roads any more safer.

It is hard enough now to track illegals in this country. Your article stated that: “One worker managed to register 250 voters.” My question is how if they have no identification? Voter fraud is prevalent in most states.

Enough of our tax monies are going to migrant and illegals while at the same time the monies they get, the majority, is being sent out of country.

Enter our country the legal way, get your benefits and follow our rules. Exceptions to foreign country’s rules are not given to Americans, so why should we make exceptions for illegals?

Measure 88 is just another way for illegals to bypass rules and procedures already in place.

We’ll see if this get printed.