
Sign Your Own Petition to Protect Oregon Driver Licenses

Sign your own petition sheet right now! Help us get the required number of petition signatures to place the Protect Oregon Driver Licenses referendum (#301) on the 2014 ballot. Your signature is important - every signature counts!

Note that this petition simply requests Oregon to place Senate Bill 833 on the ballot so that the voters can decide for themselves whether they want to issue drivers licenses to illegal aliens.

Here are the steps to sign your own petition:

  1. Print a single petition signature sheet on your computer. Print this sheet on white paper only - colored paper is not allowed. The sheet contains instructions and a summary of SB 833, which is to be placed on the ballot.
  2. Sign the petition. Signatures must be in blue or black ink. Pencil is not allowed.
  3. Mail the signed petition(s) to us, not the State of Oregon. Mail the signed petition sheet(s) to:
    Protect Oregon Driver Licenses
    PO Box 7354
    Salem, OR 97303
  4. Stay in touch! Sign up with us to receive updates. Don't worry, your information will be kept confidential and we will only send out occasional updates.

If you have questions, or decide you would like to collect signatures for the campaign, just call 503.435.0141 or go back to the home page and click on the box for "gathering signatures".

Please alert friends, relatives and neighbors about being able to download the single-signature sheets.

Please do not make multiple copies of the single signature sheet and distribute. It’s a strict requirement of the Secretary of State that the text of the bill, SB 833, be available for viewing when collecting signatures. That is the reason why the single signature sheets cannot be copied and handed out to others. You can read the full bill here: Senate Bill 833.

If you are able to collect signatures from others, it’s necessary to use the 10-line signature sheet and have a copy of the text of SB 833 with you to let people read if they wish.  We will be happy to mail you the supplies you need.